Cub Scouts Pack 6 Crestwood is for boys in grades Kindergarten to 5th Grade. Boys belong to dens based on their academic grade. A den is a group of 6-8 boys led by a Den Leader and Assistant Den Leader or two co-Den Leaders. Together, the dens make up the Pack.
In order to form a den, the boys need one of their parents to volunteer to serve as the Den Leader. Take this opportunity to contribute and make a difference in the lives of your son and his friends. Become a Scout Leader!
2021 Scouting Year: What is the Same, Different with COVID-19? [required reading]
(updated March 22, 2021)
Scouting will be outdoors. Masks, social-distancing, and screening are required.
Read this Restart Scouting Checklist
Youth and parents in high-risk categories should not participate in person and should participate virtually.
No one who feels sick should participate in a scouting activity.
Masks must be worn and social distancing maintained (scouts/parents)
Hand washing and/or sanitizers and hygiene to be followed.
Scouts will not share items, or items will be sanitized between each use.
Meeting times and locations will vary and will be based on weather as well as having daylight or adequate lighting if the activity occurs in the evening.
Pack meetings will NOT be on Fridays at 7pm in the Gym. Instead, we will shift to the weekends and hold them outdoors in a large area for adequate social distancing.
Den meetings will be held outside at the Troop 1 Crestwood Boy Scout Cabin as well as at local parks. Den leaders will be in touch to schedule meeting dates/times.
Our game plan for Adventures & Rank Advancement: Get as many activities done outdoors while weather permits; keep indoor-only activities for winter months/Zoom
We've assessed the rank advancement activities. Most can be done outside--which is when the boys have the MOST fun. So let's get outdoors!!
Den leaders will plan the den's activities to get as many activities done outdoors while weather permits.
Zoom and at-home activities with a scout's own family will be reserved with the very cold temperatures and inclement weather.
Thank You, Scout Parents!!
With your help, we are sure to provide a fun year of scouting for the boys!!
Helpful links:
Reopening Guidelines and Resources
To request more information:
Contact Pack 6 Crestwood
You can also request more information with this form: