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Cub Scout Blue & Gold Dinner 
Celebrating the Anniversary of Scouting

SCHEDULE for March 8, 2025
3:00pm  Decorate Breen Hall, Our Lady of Fatima
5:50pm  Doors Open. Assigned seating
6:05pm  Opening Flag Ceremony: Lion & Tiger Scouts
6:10pm  Welcome & Pack Slideshow
6:30pm  Catered Dinner
6:55pm  Games & Activities
7:20pm  Arrow of Light Slideshow
7:30pm  Entertainment/Show
8:30pm  Closing Ceremony:  Arrow of Light & Webelos


March 8, 2025

6pm to 8:30pm at Breen Hall, Our Lady of Fatima

Catered Dinner and Dessert, with Activity/Demo, followed by Dessert 

COST:  $25 per person

Checks payable to "Pack 6 Crestwood". Children 4 and younger are free but count against headcount. If you have MORE THAN ONE SCOUT, RSVP and pay with your OLDER scout’s den. Then work out seating arrangements with the respective den leaders.


  1. RSVP by Feb. 27 to your Den Leader and provide payment (check or send an email to to request an invoice to pay online; fees apply). All reservations are final. NOTE: Typically the tickets have been limited to the scout plus two people. Given the current size of the Pack and the size of Breen Hall, we are able to accommodate the scout and members of his immediate family. 

  2. UPLOAD Scout Photos by Feb. 27 to Google Drive for Pack Slideshow for Pack Slideshow!

  3. VOLUNTEER  ALL parents will be needed to help in some way before or during or after the Blue & Gold. (NOTE:  Sign Up Sheet to be posted shortly.)

  4. WEAR Cub Scout uniform

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